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Steeple Claydon Session
The folk music session at Steeple Claydon village is on the 1st Sunday of the month from 7.30pm at:
The Prince of Wales pub, 16 Addison Rd, Steeple Claydon, Buckingham MK18 2NP
We are hoping to run a fun, lively session where people feel comfortable to play the tunes they love. We thought that it might be useful to include some of our favourite tunes on this page as pdf files so that you can download them and maybe request them at one of the sessions.
You can also find session tunes here, which has a great search facility:
Paul Hardy has some nice tune books which can be downloaded here:
And Tuneworks also have tune books to download here:
Click on the image to access the pdf file of the music
Pairs of tunes
Tune book pdf's
Single tunes
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